Calm Initiative

Our goal at Riverside Veterinary is to enhance the emotional and physical wellbeing of companion animals by advancing our understanding and improving our ability to create a positive, low-stress, and emotionally supportive veterinary experience for our clients, their pets, and our veterinary team. 

Integrating A Reduced Stress Concept

Riverside Veterinary is striving to practice veterinary medicine that involves the reduction of fear, anxiety, and stress in our patients which in return will result in a better experience for all involved. The reduced stress concept is based on recognizing and taking steps to reduce FAS (fear, anxiety, stress) associated with veterinary visits. The first step in reducing our patients FAS is understand and acknowledge when our canine and feline patients are communicating signs of FAS to the clients and veterinary team members. Our team at Riverside Veterinary are committed to recognizing signs of FAS and engaging in veterinary practices that achieve an improved and lower-stress experience for all involved. 

Signs of FAS in Animals 

  • Dilated Pupils/Whale Eyes
  • Panting
  • Shivering/Shaking
  • Appeasement Licks
  • Hypersalivation 
  • Displacement Behaviors (ie: itching, chewing, while stressed)
  • Growling/Vocal Expression
  • Nipping/Lifting of the Lip 

FAS Reduction Modalities 

  • Separate Entrances for Reactive or Stressed Patients
  • Bandanas and Blankets infused with Appeasement Pheromones to Encourage Relaxation
  • Research Supported Music Streaming throughout the Facility 
  • Interior Color Selection Designed to Promote a Soothing Environment for Our Patients
  • Positive Reinforcement/Encouragement Utilizing the Following Tools: Treats, Contact, Massage, and Quiet Yet Rewarding Speech
  • Minimal and Low-Stress Restraint Techniques Utilized by Our Veterinary Team 

Riverside Veterinary is Welcoming New Clients to Join our Family